XGC Journey XS

New member
I am a SYNdicate General. We are the 16 and up clan. If you want more information hit me up with a friend request on xbox my GT is KelbiDanielle20.

XGC Dragon Skin

New member
Whats up Hunter. Good luck with the new clan. I have a friend that just joined General Apexpred's clan and he loves it. They play HC TDM a lot if that fits your gaming style. There group is KOG Sabotage. I am sure he will get back with you quickly if you are interested. I belong to XGC Devastation if you are older than 18. Our clan KD is 1.23 average and we have 30 members. We are very active in Elite Clan ops and challenges. Our clan is rather new having just started in April of this year. We are already leveled up to level 40 on elite. Hit me up if you have any questions.