OMG ITz Scoot

New member
Hey guys this is @RobertNickle aka gt: Omg ITz Sco0t. Oh and the last o is a zero not a letter. I just wanted to kind of say hi to all you guys cus im new here so ...Anyway I play COD all the time and other games hit me up on 360 if you guys want to play .


New member
I'm looking to join XGC. I was in it a long time ago, about 6 years, and would like to come back to a nice and friendly community. I have an interesting story with you lol. I was actually 15 when I joined but sounded much older, was a captain and then they found out I was too young. I was then put into KoG and demoted to lt. I want to join back because I miss the sense of community and am also looking for better people to play with and potentially go to tournaments and get sponsorships with, maybe even from XGC. my GT is orange pandas and anyone who messages me will be appreciated. Thank you.


New member
yea if you left period you have to post in the grass is greener forum because you're an ex memeber. Sorry bro its the rules.