New member
Hello everyone, I am new to XGC. I mainly play Call of Duty Black Ops 2... regular kill dependent modes. I am looking to fins a place where I can sometimes play casually and other times play competitively such as GB or interclan stuff. Hope I've come to the right place! Add me, HeZiTaNT!

XGC Radioactive

New member
hey buddy! I'm a captain over in XGC Wolfpack XK, a CoD clan here in XGC. We mainly play HDC variants, but do also play Core. If you're really big on only Core, let me know and I'll see if I can't find you a home!


New member
Yeah I mainly play Core but I'm open to anything really. Just want to have people to play with when I sign on and occasionally play some competitive style matches.

XDC Dresden

New member
We have some core players over here in XDC Renaissance! I'm the General of the clan. I'm on vacation right now until Sunday night, but feel free to friend request me or XGC FatalEffect and we'll game with you and introduce you to others in our clan!


New member
Or me can't forget about me Dres :( lol but hope your vacay is going good and welcome to the community hope you enjoy it just as much as I have.