Staff member
Xiled Gaming started about 7-8 months ago and as a whole XG has about 10,000 members! That is members from the 4 Main XG Divisions: XGC, KoG, SYN, and XGP. It is very easy to say that in about half a year we have become the largest Gaming Community on Xbox Live. With this success the Leaders of XG are always trying to find ways to better XG as a whole. More recently they are setting up a Tournament and Ladder system on a website with the recent removal of Clan Matches on Halo 2. More on that later. XG has also developed a few websites to help all XG members and to bring us all together. I want to go through some of the sites that the Leaders of XG want everyone to go to, register and Spam so that all XG Members can get together with one another to better XG.

The first sites I want to go over are the main websites to the 4 Main XG Divisions. WWW.KoGLIVE.COM for KoG Members, WWW.XGCLIVE.COM for XGC Members, WWW.SYNLIVE.COM for SYN Members, and WWW.XGPROAM.COM for XGP Members. These site are VERY important to the individual XG Divisions. This is what brings the different Divisions to their area of XG. Each Divisions site has its specific Code of Conduct and Ranking Str
ucture. Some parts may be the same but not all, that is why we have different Divisions for different types of people. These individual Divisions site are where the specifics Members of their Division can get together and socialize. These site should have all the members of their Division registered because it is stated in each Divisions Code of Conduct.

The next site I would like to go over is the XG Forum site. WWW.XGCONLINE.COM/FORUMS. This is a site that the Leaders would like everyone from every Division of XG to register at. This site is a VERY fun site to be at. This is a site that brings all of the XG Divisions to one site to have fun. On the XG Forums site, you can post any problems with your clan, clan events, promotions, demotions, booted members, and squad or clan lists. It is also a place where people can pretty much talk about ANYTHING! Everyone please go to the Forums site, register, and start Spaming your brains out while talking to other people and discussing subjects based on anything. Again it would be greatly appreciated if all XG member register and start having fun posting with other XG members. This is a site worth registering and becoming active on, trust me!

Now I would like to talk about the new XG News site. WWW.XGCONLINE.COM/XGNEWS. This is also a site to bring all of the XG Divisions together. This is a VERY good site to register at and become active on. On the XG News site, ANY XG member from Recruit/Minion to Council Member can submit a News post on Gaming, Computers, Technology, Movies, Previews, Reviews, and more! Members can also sell their Gaming or Tech. Gear to other XG members! You can read a daily Comic Strip for comic relief on a bad day or look at the funny Pictures on the site that Members have submited. This site will also having Gaming Tips from the Pro Team and Cheats, Codes, and Walkthroughs to those games that you just cant beat. It will have info posted on upcoming Tournaments and LAN events. It will also have Interviews on XG Members conducted by the Council to better get to know XG Members! It will also have Weekly updates on the Sunday Meetings. This is a site that is REALLY worth registering and becoming active on!

The last site I would like to talk about is the new Xiled Gaming League site. WWW.XGLONLINE.COM. This is the site that hundred or even thousands of XG Members have been waiting for. This is the site with XG Tournaments and Ladder system!!! Finally after losing Clan Match on Xbox Live XG Members have another way to do Tournaments against fellow XG Members or against other members from fellowing Gaming Communities. XG will have Tournaments and Ladder system for Halo 2, UNO, Hardwood Spades, Outlaw Golf 3, and many many more! This site will list all upcoming Tournaments and Events, as well as the rules to each Event and the outcome of each. I know that this is what MANY MANY members have been waiting for so hurry up and register on this site and have TONS of fun with the NEW Tournament and Ladder system for XG!

Well thats all the sites I will go over for now. I will go over more as they start popping up. I hope everyone goes to them, registers, and has fun as I do! But for now go and post till you drop.

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