
New member
there is no try with quitting. either u are or u arent. i quit smoking 6 years ago cold turkey and all it is is mind over body. ur body tells u to quit but ur mind is saying u want more. u can make ur mind say otherwise. more power to u and i hope u succeed

Lady Valor 7711

New member
I have a bunch, but one of them is to actually be more of a "go getter" and knock off a few things on my bucketlist and just have a good time

Inked Ivy

New member
- Focus on uni
- Get my fitness up
- Become a better skateboarder

And overall just move on from some things [mentally] holding me back

AGC Climaxx

New member
My resolutions are to keep striving for nothing but the best, and keep doing awesome in school, and to keep on winning, and getting better in basketball!