New member
Hi all,

I am new to Xiled Gaming and was told I should come here and introduce myself.

While I am a female who enjoys doing feminine activities, I also enjoy doing many things that most would classify as masculine. I enjoy working out and I go to the gym at least an hour a day. I like to get dirty, so riding four-wheelers, digging for artifacts, and general "playing outside" is fun for me. I enjoy shooting real life and apparently virtually as well. I like to tan, have my nails done, do makeup, dress up.

COD is my game of choice, and I don't have much experience with other games. My boyfriend got me into playing. To answer your question: yes, it's totally awesome to play games with my significant other. It beats sitting there watching tv in silence any day.

I am the CIO for a new pharmaceutical insurance company. I created, manage, and maintain our IT and Information Systems departments.

I like to think I'm pretty laid back, so hit me up any time if you want to play. xoKAYLONIox