NEWB HERE... >.<


New member
Anyway, so I'm new to the clan. I curently only play CoD4 on the Xbox 360 but am looking to get Halo 3 and possibly Vegas 2. I was buddies with gunman and steamroller for alittle while before joining with them, but I look forward to getting to know everyone and playing with you all later.

One question though, as I am still a newb here on the forums. Is there a specific forum area for CoD4, or just stay in the Xbox gamer area?

TmE Steel

New member
welcome uhm mabye if you want we can play CoD4 or halo 3 (not sure if ill buy vegas 2) and uhm well im not sure ive been trying to find a specific halo 3 area but i dont think there is for any game so the xbox section sounds good unless u find a CoD4 clan in here then your more likely to find posts of just CoD4 sorry i couldnt be of more help


New member
That's fine, I wasn't even expecting a reply in the time it took me to get out of school, but one is beter than nothing. Anyway, as far as I know I'm in the KoG clan on CoD4, I haven't explored the site enough to find the KoG section, but I will be soon (as soon as I get home that is.

Hope to see you online sometime.


New member
lol, I'm a he. But yes, the clan I join on CoD4 was KoG. I assume I'm looking under the "Join a Clan" section for KoG, then just following the directions and getting in there?

EDIT: So I found the "Join a Clan" thing, but there's more than one KoG section, and I'm not sure which part I'm under... Also, I forgot to mention earlier, that when I got my message containing the link to this site, I also got one to What is that site and do I need to register for that as well?
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XGC Crazzy FS

New member

Ok first of all welcome to XG. I'll get into all the questions you had:

1) Yes there is a specific area to view COD4 as well as other games. Simply scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the "Forum Jump" button, when you scroll about 3/4 the way down you will begin to see all the game forums in alphabetical order. There is one called "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare"
2) Regarding specific KOG clans. If your buddies that you have played with are part of KOG you could ask them to be recruited into their clan. If they are not part of KOG and do not have KOG members on their friends list you could try to hit up one of the section leaders (again through the forum jump button) who will be able to help you
3) is our website that you could join and play in ladder tournaments. I would suggest joining if you would be active in clan matches and ladder tournaments.

Hope this helped, and if you are still having problems joining a KOG clan send me a FR online and I'll get you hooked up.


New member
420Champion: I played through the Halo 3 campaign in one night with a buddy of mine last time he crashed here, but it just felt like the same old Halo (although the turrets were fun), and I quite enjoyed just plain old Halo 2, so if anything I'll probably get that first.

Crazzy: Thank you for answering my numerous, newbie questions, I'll try to list off the replies here.

-Thank you for directing me towards the CoD4 section, I haven't had enough spare time to just sit down and look up these things, lol
-I was online with them probably about 4 days ago or so and there was almost a full group of 18 people in there from KoG. Galia told me to add him so I sent the FR, but have yet to get a response.
-I'd like to be involved in clan events and such, ladders and the likes, so I'll have to sign up. I actually went to sign up earlier but the address and such was for an American. I doubt that the clan is only for Americans as I've talked with another guy from good ol' Canada, so I'll have to just go and fill in what I can.

Thanks again for giving me a hand, nice to see friendly, helpful people in such a big clan.:D

XGC Crazzy FS

New member
Crazzy: Thank you for answering my numerous, newbie questions, I'll try to list off the replies here.

-Thank you for directing me towards the CoD4 section, I haven't had enough spare time to just sit down and look up these things, lol
-I was online with them probably about 4 days ago or so and there was almost a full group of 18 people in there from KoG. Galia told me to add him so I sent the FR, but have yet to get a response.
-I'd like to be involved in clan events and such, ladders and the likes, so I'll have to sign up. I actually went to sign up earlier but the address and such was for an American. I doubt that the clan is only for Americans as I've talked with another guy from good ol' Canada, so I'll have to just go and fill in what I can.

Thanks again for giving me a hand, nice to see friendly, helpful people in such a big clan.:D

No problem, hope it helped. Yeah this site is full of useful information and once you get the hang of navigating through it is really fun. If you need anything else just post the questions and I'm sure there will be someone, including myself that will help you.