
I got inspired I guess...


v2 4 the LULZ:

I know its probably badddd but I am starting a new style so I am just sort of practicing.

Ok, I'm on my computer now so I can give you a better CnC.
Colors need work. Obviously lighting does too. You need an actual light source. The flow is not very good. It is contradicting itself. I don't care for the splatter brushings. I think a clipping mask would look better on them. Overall not bad, but needs work.

XGC Chocobo

New member
I actually think you have the angle of the first light source right. It's "in front of" the signature, shining onto it. (You should widen it though, so it's hitting the "void" of sig to the right of him)
However, looking at the arm that's left to us, there's two more light sources: one behind the arm and one to the left of the hand. Account for these.
He is also very much in a void. I get a vague sense of "deeply underwater", but not even that. Anchor him more. The background needs to "hold" him. If you fix the lighting you may accomplish that without further effort, or you may have to add a gradient to the background.