i think noob toobs and campers are taken way too seriosly i admit people should be aware how much is enough when it comes to camping and noob toobing but they should be given a break if they do it a few times during a match.
i will admit i camp on hard core and i "noob tube" from time to time. hey its not a cheat or a glitch and it will get my team the win im all for it. although there is a point where enough is enough. learn that you can move around the map and use another form of weapon to kill someone.
I think camping should be used on occasion, But it's def not a way to always play. and for "Pro Pipes" as Bungie calls em, they are great when you randomly kill someone with it, but of course in moderation
I can say i camp, with a "sniper rifle". That's just a part of sniping, but i do not corner camp and watch a door way. I also use the thumper quite frequently, that is my anti-camping weapon.