XGC King Raven

New member
Hey guys, Raven here. I want to get some feedback from you guys on this oddly popular map. Now I like Nuke Town, but I hear a lot of people shouting streams of curse words every time its chosen, as I do. I only enjoy it occasionally but its everywhere! I wanted to know why people want to play this maps a thousand times a day


New member
I really hate that map, but almost every time i play it i get double the points. There's really no good camping spots for TDM because of the spawns and on objective game modes you can get way more xp and kills. I guess i'm saying it's easier to play a small map like that than dying 3-4 times before figuring out where your killer is hiding or running what seems like forever to reach a bomb site.

XGC Shibby

New member
NukeTown is a gud map. Difficult on ctf and hardcore but still a gud map. I lik Rust better but its on MW2 and i dont play it at all now. lol

SYN Korbonite

New member
...I Hate this map with a burning passion!! I hate who ever made this map and the ppl who have to play this stupied piece of crap!! Every freakin time it pops up!!

Just my thought on it ^_^

XGC King Raven

New member
I really hate that map, but almost every time i play it i get double the points. There's really no good camping spots for TDM because of the spawns and on objective game modes you can get way more xp and kills. I guess i'm saying it's easier to play a small map like that than dying 3-4 times before figuring out where your killer is hiding or running what seems like forever to reach a bomb site.

Well you DO get a lot of points but to counter that is the fact that it is at the cost of joy, I get points but I die every 4 seconds

SYN Korbonite

New member
WOOO Bro, dont need to cuss. or even get mad. lol.

lol ehh true. Just hate playin on small maps....but the only map that was small was rust lmao not a problem with it...nuketown tho...always some kinda bull happens on it everytime I play. Mostly greentags that feed them kills till they get Chop chop or dogs. Theeeen I just say F&#$ this game and go watch tv lol.

XGC King Raven

New member
Well I notice tonight during the gun game that some of the camping areas are very hard 2 get into to stop the little as*holes who find it funny 2 sit and stare at a door with the Famas. Does everyone know about the "ladders" on the side of the balcony ledges? You can climb the latticework


New member
I think the reason people enjoy that map so much is that its small like Shipment was in COD4, it gives everyone a chance to get into the fight. Its small so you dont have to run a mile to get into action, and with a good core group of players its easy to control and with the right team loadout everyone can get some good kill streaks going.


New member
It's the "Rust" equivalent, there are alot of fans and alot of foes, I personally am a huge fan of the level but it can definitely get old and certain types of players can ruin the experience, but all in all I'm glad that they made it. Hopefully with newer and newer patches the spawn issues will become fixed and bearable. Always happy to see it up for a vote but will usually take firing range given the choice. Nuketowns definitely better with a cohesive group and I've learned to place a claymore in the back gardens if I plan to stay in the backyard uncovered.
i have no problem with this map but it does get annoying when u play it 5 times in a row i dont really like the spawn in the map either but as long as your team stays behind one of the two buses depending on which side you spawn it should be a quick game

night ninja

New member
I like playing it cause if you got a good team, you can get lots of exp. from it. We can get around 10,000 just in score in CTF.


New member
I don't mind the map. I think people like smaller maps. Like i personally loved Rust on mw2. its just fun to play a small map once and a while


New member
I can't stand Nuketown. And everyone wants to play it. All the time. They patched it so you can't play it more than twice, thank god! because before the patch I would get in lobbies where once you could vote on nuketown, the lobby would stay on nuketown indefinitely.

And when you don't like the map at all to boot... running it into the ground makes you REALLY not like that map. So I understand and agree w/ Predator X's frustration. The spawns on that map are absolutely terrible. Pure garbage.

And for those of you who camp in the 2nd story windows.... that doesn't make you any good.