RGC Satown

New member
hey guys i was an old xgc member back in 04 worked my way up to general, had lots of fun and meet good people, and some stuff went down and i decided to leave xgc and go into rgc when it was around or if it still is ha well anyways long story short i had to leave the gaming community for a bit which has been since like 05 ha so im looking to getting back into xgc if possible if someone can talk to me about this would be great oh and my gamertag isnt rgc satown now its A1RJULIAN

RGC Satown

New member
sorry to hear about that satown :
yeaa for whatever reason they said i couldnt, if it was because i left the clan i mean that was about 3 years ago, and i wanna get back into the gaming community, i miss it, always having someone to play with no matter what time it is and just meeting really cool people ya know?

SYN HighLite

New member
yeaa for whatever reason they said i couldnt, if it was because i left the clan i mean that was about 3 years ago, and i wanna get back into the gaming community, i miss it, always having someone to play with no matter what time it is and just meeting really cool people ya know?

More then likely what did it was the fact that you elected to leave. It happens but there are other communities around and you can always post around where you can on here. Doesn't mean you can't game with and meet xg members.