Approved: No Purchase RE-APPLICATION

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Yo Jakeyy

New member
so i used to be apart of syndicate awhile back and then when i turned 18 i joined xgc Twisted Metal. an xgc clan my closest friends in xgc had started. but of course as all this was going on i was still in school and had a nagging stepmom who only ever complained about how much time i spent on xbox. So i got 2 jobs while i was still in highschool, by this time i was a captain and between school and work i didnt get home until midnight everynight and was gone in the morning around 6 leaving almost no time for xbox except on weekends. So i stepped down from my position and eventually stopped playing xbox for awhile. but now i have my own place my own job and no school with a more flexible schedule for xbox and was looking to get back in the first gaming community i ever joined. so i hope you understand why i made the decisions i made and trust in me enough to know that i'll be a beneficial asset for xgc. thank you for your time and i hope to get your response soon.

KoG Exile

New member
I'm loooking into this. He claims his father was XGC Bernkrs XC who was a council member on black ops. Obviously XC means community leader not council. I looked up his father and it shows he was a captain. Call me crazy but I'm pretty sure we would know who the leaders of our community were.

Here's his dad's profile:

His GT was phenomenalpop. Way too many holes in this story but I'll talk to you on the box.
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Yo Jakeyy

New member
im sorry exile, i just talked to him. he was a major when he left and was a council member in the community he joined after xgc. im sorry for the false information, but either way my dads irrelevant in this situation. its me wanting to come back not him. i apologize for the confusion but i feel like i would be much better off just talking to you guys in an xbox live party if possible. and if it is possible just tell me when and feel free to msg me on xbl about it. again im sorry, i confused myself.
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