KoG MaRiNe
New member
1. kog
2. 360
3. themis
4. captian
5. dont remember
6. kog sandman xs
7. kog marine
8. kog toxic
9. dont have the link
10. removed
11. 3 years ago cant remember
12. my clan wasnt good my general was getting female recruits numbers and got nudty pictures from them and i went to my section leader and explain to him wat was happing when the female recruits came to me and told me wat was going on they told me they would get promoted if they do that with him and he told me mind my own business and dont worry about it so i went to my divison leader and explain to him wat my general was doing and showed him proof texts messages and he tpld me mind ur own business then a weak my section leader message me saying ur getting kicked out because i was starting drama and i asked him how he blocked me the section leader name was KoG sandman XS and divison leader was KoG Faceup XD
13.i would love to join back to xiledgaming its were my family and friends are at
2. 360
3. themis
4. captian
5. dont remember
6. kog sandman xs
7. kog marine
8. kog toxic
9. dont have the link
10. removed
11. 3 years ago cant remember
12. my clan wasnt good my general was getting female recruits numbers and got nudty pictures from them and i went to my section leader and explain to him wat was happing when the female recruits came to me and told me wat was going on they told me they would get promoted if they do that with him and he told me mind my own business and dont worry about it so i went to my divison leader and explain to him wat my general was doing and showed him proof texts messages and he tpld me mind ur own business then a weak my section leader message me saying ur getting kicked out because i was starting drama and i asked him how he blocked me the section leader name was KoG sandman XS and divison leader was KoG Faceup XD
13.i would love to join back to xiledgaming its were my family and friends are at