iTz Caedo

Just Fill Out The info below and ill get to it As Soon As Possible DO NOT RUSH ME


1. Type Of design
(EX: Signature, Banner, Avatar, etc.)

2. Text to be used for Image (any other text as well)
(EX: XGC Caedo, XGC BlackOut, etc.) Remember this is going into a limited space so keep it minimal

3. Theme of the signature (Any images link you want as well)
(EX: Sports, Music, Cartoon, etc.) If you post a link i might try and find an alternate of the image to work with

4. Color Scheme
(EX:Red, Silver, Dark, Light, Black & White, etc.)

SYN H Steel XS

New member
1. Type of Banner: XS Leaders Banner
2. Name and additional text: SYN H Steel XS
3. Theme of Banner: Anime (SAO(Sword Art Online)) Game (Smite) Football (Colts) (i know that their is alot here you can either pick one, use all three or none if it looks better that way, otherwise feel free to ask questions and take your time if i wait 3 weeks, 3 months, etc so its awesome so be it.)
4. Color Scheme: Bright Colors, colors that pop, Blue if Possible

XGC TrueShot XS

New member
Just Fill Out The info below and ill get to it As Soon As Possible DO NOT RUSH ME


1. Type Of design
(EX: Signature, Banner, Avatar, etc.)

2. Text to be used for Image (any other text as well)
(EX: XGC Caedo, XGC BlackOut, etc.) Remember this is going into a limited space so keep it minimal

3. Theme of the signature (Any images link you want as well)
(EX: Sports, Music, Cartoon, etc.) If you post a link i might try and find an alternate of the image to work with

4. Color Scheme
(EX:Red, Silver, Dark, Light, Black & White, etc.)

1:type of banner: Personal signture
2:Text: TrueShot 1S1K, XGC New Dynasty General
3:Theme: Dead pool
4:colors: black, Red, White