
New member
So i have been noticing for a while that RPGs are starting to semi fall behind now, i mean Lost Odyssey was a good game and had a different twist to it than the normal rpgs but its starting to seem like everyone is coming out with the same game over and over again just new characters, maybe a minor difference in combat, and a very similar plot feel. So i just wanted to see if anyone else noticed that and what they would like to see change in the RPG world.


Killah Ruski xx

New member
I think lost odessey was not that great because I seemed to childish. The Final Fantasy series have always been good and im looking forward to the new one that is comming out soon!!


New member
i can understand where you are coming from with lost odyssey but i do like the fact that they tried changing up the type of story they told. Oh and agreed FFXIII :). Do you think they will remake 7 like people want them too?


New member
mosty definitely, it was the one that got them on the map and got turn based moving around a lot more. yeah but cant wait for FFXIII but unfortunately i will only get to play one of the two seeing as how only one will be multi platform and the other is PS3 exclusive.


New member
If youre looking for a good rpg that brings back the old final fantasy storyline feeling i recommend Star Ocean: the last just came out for the 360 and the PS3 and so far its one of my favorite RPGs...its got a active time battle system so its not turnbased like FF7,8,9 or 10 its also nothing like the atb system in 12 were you have to wait for your bar to fill up in order to atack...its got a really good storyline and you dont have to had played any of the other games to know wats going on since it is a prequel to the entire series...


New member
they've tinkered with the controls abit and made it a little easier to use your moves in battle...the last one i played was Star Ocean: Till the End of Time and i think the last hope has surpased it not only in the graphics department but in the controls and gameplay aswell as the storyline

XGC Caviezel XI

Council Leader
So what type of rpg are we talking, turn based, action or both. Fallout 3 brought back its greatness and glory along with bringing in non traditional rpgers. Example 007 played fallout 3. Double doesn't play rpgs. Even bigger and better are on the way. The only bad thing is the majority of the good ones will be ps3 only. So wait patiently and you will be rewarded.