KoG Gluttony

My general, KoG R3DNECK, hasn't even tried talking to anyone about this issue. Most of it includes some problems with him that need to be taken care of. But I decided to bring it up. KoG Panic is one of the best clans on the User Groups at the moment with 45 members. But, our actual clan has many problems. I am Red Squad Captain for Panic. I currently have no Lieutenant. Blue Squad has a Lieutenant but no Captain. Green Squad has an inactive Captain who cheated into the position because he knows the general in real life. Green Squad's Lieutenant is inactive as well, but ontop of that, he was caught teabagging by the general himself, and wasn't turned in. Instead he was demoted to Sergeant for 1 week. We need a new general in the clan. Also, my Section Leader, KoG 2good4u2 XS told me that when our clan splits at 60 members on the User Groups, I will be a general in the new clan, my general said he won't allow that because i'm his only good Captain. That is unfair considering I deserve the promotion. I am pretty much running the clan. The general is never on Halo 2, I am the only Captain, and he is going to be off for 2 weeks due to winter break. Please, if any of you have member s that are ready for promotion to Lieutenant or Captain, we are in dire need of those positions. Contact me through the site as I won't be on until Christmas day.

KoG Gluttony

If any of you can help me in my situation here, then I don't know how I can ever thank you


New member
If your general is out of contact, your section leader would be the best to help you in this situation. I recommend contacting him privately.

KoG Gluttony

I try to Private Chat him, get an invite from him, and even message him directly about the situation, but he ignores me constantly and then signs off.

KoG Gluttony

yes, i would like to, but as i have said my section leader ignores me on live and by private chat and by PM on the site

SYN ChickenDawg

New member
But as chandler said you can talk to any XS really if you dont get a response from your section leader go to another section leader in KoG and talk to them im sure they will be more than happy to help.


yes, i would like to, but as i have said my section leader ignores me on live and by private chat and by PM on the site

Just so you know, everyone replying here are not trying to push you away they are giving you the proper path to getting the help you need faster then posting it on the open forum. The reason you don't want to post it here is, well, although it is a serious issue it isn't the concern of all the community.

The process is this,
Follow the chain of command.

If your general and section leader just are not on or ignoring you or are the problem, you need to seek out another section leader first. If they can't help you, move it up to a Division Leader in your division.

Do this via private message on messages on the box. Check the friends list of your current section leader if you don't have any other section leaders on yours. If you don't get anywhere in 3 to 5 days by follow this process then move it up the ladder to a community leader.

All the contact information for our leaders is on the site. If you go to the main page you can click on leaders to pull up who is who. Also, all the leaders have their own forum area. Go to the KoG section leader area and then private message a couple of the people listed there.

Lastly, this goes for anyone reading this, posting negative stuff about your leaders even if they are duds, isn't a smart thing to do!! Everyone please use some common sense before you do such a thing in the public forum areas.



New member
Yes, I apologize for my miscommunication - my point was not that you SHOULDN'T try to get help, it was that naming names and pointing fingers on the public forums is a no-no. Saying that you have an issue and you are having trouble getting a hold of your SL, and asking for suggestions on the proper avenue of action to take from there is more appropriate.