KoG Gluttony
My general, KoG R3DNECK, hasn't even tried talking to anyone about this issue. Most of it includes some problems with him that need to be taken care of. But I decided to bring it up. KoG Panic is one of the best clans on the User Groups at the moment with 45 members. But, our actual clan has many problems. I am Red Squad Captain for Panic. I currently have no Lieutenant. Blue Squad has a Lieutenant but no Captain. Green Squad has an inactive Captain who cheated into the position because he knows the general in real life. Green Squad's Lieutenant is inactive as well, but ontop of that, he was caught teabagging by the general himself, and wasn't turned in. Instead he was demoted to Sergeant for 1 week. We need a new general in the clan. Also, my Section Leader, KoG 2good4u2 XS told me that when our clan splits at 60 members on the User Groups, I will be a general in the new clan, my general said he won't allow that because i'm his only good Captain. That is unfair considering I deserve the promotion. I am pretty much running the clan. The general is never on Halo 2, I am the only Captain, and he is going to be off for 2 weeks due to winter break. Please, if any of you have member s that are ready for promotion to Lieutenant or Captain, we are in dire need of those positions. Contact me through the site as I won't be on until Christmas day.