The account is named Yo Yo236.

I'm quitting because I really don't feel like using this account anymore, I've decided to sell this to get money to make a very excellent pure tank.

Stats are

Attack: 85
Strength: 81
Defense: 79
Hitpoints: 81
Ranged: 73
Mage: 83
Cooking: 91
Woodcutting: 84
fletching: 68
Fishing: 85
Firemaking: 73
Crafting: 51
Smithing: 53
Mining: 66
Herblore: 60
Agility: 57
Thieving: 55
Slayer: 63
Farming: 50
RuneCrafting: 67
Hunter: 40
Construction: 53

PM me to talk if about selling and whatnot. For every 1M you pay, I'll leave 1 month of membership on the account.

No I'm not looking for WoW gold, not looking for USD, I want Runescape GP...mmk?

If I like the deal, we'll get on runescape, I give you the password as soon as you say accept at 2nd trade window.