
New member
Edit: due to this comment sounding offensive to the creator of the thread and to the public I have removed it. I'm sorry for my mistakes.
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XDC Dresden

New member
Thanks a bunch for taking the time to diss something I legitimately want to learn. Not only did you criticize my taste in music, but decided it would be great to lump me into the category of immature middle schoolers. Great!

In an attempt to gain perspective, why would you include that you're not meaning to stereotype when your statement was an obvious stereotype? If you're going to stereotype, adding that you didn't mean to is pointless. If you're going to stereotype, have the balls to just do it and get on with it. It doesn't make what you said any less offensive.

XDC Dresden

New member
Oh yeah, and I am offended. Go make fun of someone else's ambitions and leave me alone. It looks like fun and I want to try it.


New member
oh no DresdenDoLL, I sorry if I gave the impression I was directing it towards you. I wasn't implying that you were in this category. It was merely an observation I had made when looking at a couple of the videos and thought about sharing it. I didn't mean to offend you with the comment nor "label" you. Like I mentioned in the end, it seems interesting nonetheless. You're right, I see I could have worded it differently in a less arrogant connotation; I didn't notice that until your reply, I would of changed it if I had.

To be honest, I was doing a project and once I finished it, I tried it out myself. And yeah it was fun (even though I failed). What I meant was that if one couldn't do it "correctly", it doesn't seem like one of those things to stress about.

I appreciate the fact you pointed it out to me, now I see I should revisit my posts and revise them to not sound so criticizing; this isn't a place to criticize people for any reason whatsoever, nor is that reason justified in any place.

I meant that comment in a pure way and didn't mean to offend you. And for that, I sincerely apologize to you, DresdenDoLL.

Once you receive a chance, please read the private message I have sent you, as it develops this post of mine further.

I hope you can accept my apology.
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XGC Phantom XD

New member
So...shuffling is cool, to bad me, nor any of my bandmates can actually do it, we practice consistently before we start jamming -_- (We fail hardcore)

XGC AngryPirat3

New member


Thursday......Shopping then Shufflin'
Friday.......TGIS(thank gog im Shufflin')
Saturday......Eating dinner with the family then Shufflin'
Sunday......Shufflin' with GOD

XDC Dresden

New member
Lol. You don't want to see me fail at shuffling. I'm still trying to get the running man down. I can do it with my legs up but still haven't mastered the flow where your feet barely move from the ground.

UGH! I wanna learn soooooooo badly!