maniacal ki11a

New member
yeah so i love skating and talking about it so if anybody has any comments on new pros or placings in comps or just skating in general id love to hear it

maniacal ki11a

New member
kickflip/varial flip, tre flip, nollie tre flip, fakie tre flip, fakie flip, fakie varial, nollie flip, nollie varial, switch flip, switch varial, switch tre flip, hard flip, fakie hard flip, nollie frontside flip, frontside flip, switch frontside flip, fakie frontside flip, backside flip, halfcab flip, switch backside flip, nollie heel, heel, switch heel, fakie heel, vrontside and back side shuvit, switch shuv it, nollie backside and frontside shuvit, fakie backside and frontside shuv it, fakie frontside and backside 360 shuvit, fakie backside big spin, fakie big flip, nollie frontside 360 shuvit, nollie frontside big spin, finger flip, finger treflip, late backfoot flip, shuvit late flip, haymaker, nollie varial heel, nollie inward heel, switch inward heel, fs and bs 50-50, fs and bs smith, bs and fs 5-0, bs and fs feeble, bs and fs salad, bs and fs nose grind, bs and fs nose slide, bs and fs tail slide, bs and fs board slide, bs and fs crooks, fs over crooks, and i think thats about it so how long u been skating?


New member
I use to skate from 1985 to 1993 hardcore talking 12 hour skate days-so much fun.Down Phx,Az was the best,and then I skated off and on from 1993 till 2000.I just couldnt do it anymore it started feeling strange to me.I recently found out that my feet grew as one piece usually they are 2 sections so they flex-so that explains the weird feeling and being uncomfortable.Then there is the years of wear from doing it-my ankles and knees are jacked and somtimes I cant walk,and I have almost fallen over a few times from loss of balance.I still thinks its a great life style not a sport-I like to watch it when ever it s on tv.I also learned that they knee pads they always say to wear also mess up your knee caps..that kinda sucks..
My favorite skaters are Mark Gonzoles,Niel Blender and my friend Chad Muska..

maniacal ki11a

New member
dude thats sick as hell haha yewah im ki9nda into the whole sk8 for 12 hours a day. but u really no chad muska? hes my fav skater from the element team. but far form my overal favs like chris cole, rodneymullen, and sierra fellers


New member
I met him when he was 14-he was doing trick that would be done by anyone else for atleast 5more years.I also met Matt hensley through a friend and skated with him he is cool.This 6 months or so before he quit skating pro-after the owner of H street died.I really miss those days-skating got really fun after shackle me not-good tape.


New member
Rodney Mullen was always the best at freestyle skating-too bad it died,Kevin Harris was good also both road for Powell.I also really like gator-too bad he killed his girl friend-man...he was sick in a pool.

maniacal ki11a

New member
man ur so lucky u got to know those guys tho. id do anything to become friends with a pro. and yeah freestyle is gone its kinda sad really it was such a cool thing to watch. like i watch all those old freestyle comp vids and its just amazing.


New member
I only know one,and matt was no big idea-he was cool to skate with,but skating with my crew was better.This guy Low I used to know was suppose be sponsored back then-but dont know by who or nothing.Was told he was in transworld but never saw the pictures.He was sick-he could grind or rail slide on anything,one day i never saw him again and was told he was pro.My point is -if you have friends that are good,most likely atleast one of them will be pro someday.