I was in section 8 in the past i left because of an individual that was captian at the time for my squad,i was a ranked private but carried out the captains responsibilities because he was always absent and we had no Lt at the time i believe there was squad splits going on and the general apollo was overwelmed with everything since blue the captain plus apollo had just been promoted and still fresh on being in the general position. It was a huge mess i was suppose to be promoted 3 times and it never happend which i explained to apollo at the time and he talked to blue on the rare occasion he got online. I was working as captain recruiting,promoting,demoting,read ins and holding meetings. The plan was to stay and earn my right to be a high rank in XGC but in the end after weeks i never got what i had earned so i decided to leave and do my own thing.I asked others about transfering to a different division but i was told that was out of the question for what reason idk since i had been loyal and not given any member a single problem. Im a very respectable gamer with experience that can bring in alot of recruits on any given day because of my reputation on xbl. I would still love the chance to be part of this amazing gaming community and improve my skills and experience. Recently talked to Sm0ke304
about joining if you all allow me back.It has been close to 2 years since this all took place.Thank you for your time
Cryptic was my GT at the time of being in section 8.
EminentxSkillz is my current GT.
about joining if you all allow me back.It has been close to 2 years since this all took place.Thank you for your time
Cryptic was my GT at the time of being in section 8.
EminentxSkillz is my current GT.