I took up some people's suggestions and will be making camp/ snipe spot locations on the original MW2 maps. remember,
90% of a sniper's job in RL and on this game is to be a team scout. People in XGC UNKNOWN and XGC UNDEROATH know that. Between the two clans we have a few good snipers, but the best are the ones who will take to time to call out where the opposition is. Thats the most important thing in SD. never forget that.
Afgan Link:
1 This is where I usually set myself up when overlooking bomb site B. For those who don't know, bomb site B is about 15 feet to your right if you are sniping towards "12". There are two spots under 1: the low and the high area. The low area is where most people go to snipe from. That rock ledge is 3 ft lower and 3 ft to the left. However, the high area is my personal favorite. Thats because you can see anyone running up from section 12 and over. However, You can be vulnerable to side attacks on bomb site "B".
2 This can be a great place to snipe/camp from. "2" is actually off the ground on the corner of the area. you have to go around "2" and jump up the rocks. You can overlook site "B" and the area between "2" and "3". you can be pretty visible, but you should see anyone before they see you.
3 These are the high weeds on the map. Its in the spawn of the defenders in SD. Not a good place to instantly drop down and camp though. Two words: Noob toobers. Good luck. But its a ok spot to hide when surounded or when the last man alive. I personally don't use the spot due to the fact that you are cornered.
4 I use this spot when defending on SD bomb site "A". I like to defend bomb site "B" because of camp site "1". But when I'm not playing with fellow XGC members, people tend to suck on my team. So I have to get out of my comfort zone and defend "A". This spot is at the hood of the second car in the defender's spawn. You are mostly defended from noob toobers as well. Many people like to blitz to bomb site "A", and this is a perfect place to snipe the blitzers. however, I recomend moving fairly soon after that. move up to section "5" to avoid bunker blitzers.
5 pretty straight forward. guard "A". Watch out for bunker blitzers (those who run from attack spawn towards deffender's spawn through the bunker) Normally I go from "4" to "5". Watching the doorway with a shotgun or another side arm. Then I move on from there.
6 Great spot to snipe at "13" ridge. you can also see the attacker's spawn side. "6" is inside of a small useless building. It gives little cover from fire, but if you can croutch in just the right way you are barely visible. I use it alot in ground war and other non SD games. Its ok in SD, but you can be seen if you dont croutch just right. Its still a good spot to be a scout for the rest of your team.
7 Don't recomend in SD. From the attacking spawn you will be killed. Its the first place many people look. Even when defending, there are better spots to snipe from.
8 The infamous poppy field. I don't use it because it is so fr out of the way of the action, but when it comes down to it, drop down in a patch and hide until you are ready. I went up against a guy who couldn't hit the side of a barn, but he kept on popping up and down in the field. always a good but predictable option.
9 A good place to snipe while attacking. The only issue is that that is the exact location that noob toobers drop explosives. So, don't go there right away, run forward or to the right. Try to make it to "17". thats where I rush. But if you are being more safe, stay back towards "9".
10 This is actually a general location. All along here are rocks on the edge of the wall. The rocks are actually very well formed to crouch on. perfect for guarding "A" if you planted there. It also guards the cave which is unguarded from "17" and you are open for attack if guarding the cave from "7". But "10" is hard to attack from the cave unless you already know exactly where on the rock to shoot. AKA you are using a mod.
11 Its on the side of the anti-air guns when looking towards "1". If someone gets to "1" before you get to "11", you will die. Its whoever is faster. I dont take that chance, so I recomend to go to "12" instead. On non SD games this is an ok place to snipe.
12 This is high grass. If I find that people like to blitz the spawn from "1" to "12" in SD I lay down in the grass. They run up and are easy to kill. try it sometime. But don't do it too often because you are, most of the time, out of the action. Use only in needed situations. In non SD games this is a fun place to be. Alot of people have no idea where they are dying from.
13 The sniper ridge. bye bye. Hope you had fun in those 15 seconds of the round starting. On any game type you will die. Unless they are absolutely horrible. One note though, you can drop down on a seperate ledge to the left. thats a good place to snipe, but you are pretty visible. Thuse, sniper spot "14".
14 Its ok to be here, but most likely you will be spotted when you are going from "13" to "14". Its the only way to get there.
15 This is on the rocks overlooking bomb site "B". a great spot to be if you planted the bomb are are sniping from there. Or if you are trying to kill those camping on bomb site "B". if you plant at "B" I recomend "1" or "2". There is no reason to be here in non SD games. In very rare cases maybe.
16 This is just inside of the cave. A great spot to defend/defend a defuse on bomb site "A". Just need to worry about "10". People at "10" will snipe you. Besides that, you have a great view everywhere around "A" if you don't go out in the open.
17 My VERY favorite spot. I just straight rush there in order to 1. avoid noob toobers and 2. they have trouble killing you. Your oter team mates will be there to defend anyone stupid enough to run around the airplane looking up. Also, if the bomb is planted at "A", you can see everywhere in "A". No one can hide behind the Bomb site. You can also see their spawn and "5". its great. Anywhere on the wing on or the ledge at the top of the wing. I still recomend staying towards the bottom the the wing. easier to see "A" and to snipe at their spawn.
There may be a few more, but I am tired of typing
Also, I will be doing this for every map. "Derail" is the next one. Happy Sniping!
XGC Jawbone