Hi I'm still looking for a clan once again I'm 14 and I play black ops I was hoping to get into syndicate cause I have a tendency to trash talk, if anyone could help I'd greatly appreciate it.
Just because syndicate is underground it still abides by the honor code. No trash talking is allowed period, also if you are looking for a clan you will need to join KoG, they are an all age community and syndicate is a 16+. So I will give one of them your name and make sure to play with them and get to know them.
I don't mean to sound rude but the welcome message says that syndicate has all ages and I don't mean trash talk to the people just when I start to lose pretty badly I start to get mad. But yeah if they will have me in kog then that's cool to they just gotta add me and I'll game with them for sure
We can gladly take him in Last Empire. Send me a msg on here or on live to me if you want me to take him in. We're mostly a CoD clan though. So, not sure what he's geared toward.