
New member
Well my name has a very personal meaning. I have tasted death 3 times. 1st time I was 15 had to have surgery and flat lined 2 times but they brought me back. 2nd time I was in a bad crash on my street bike. 3rd time I was sky diving and had a chute malfunction. Story short didn't walk away from this one hit the ground around 60mph so I broke a few things. Now 39 I have slowed down a bit as I don't heal as fast as I use too.

So that is why I chose my name.


New member
Sounds terrifying. Yet exciting! One... almost philosophical question or curiosity was what the sentient mind undergoes after death. What do we experience, ourselves.. as..well. Souls I guess.

Seeing that you've tasted death 3 times, could you enlighten me slightly, what could possibly we expect in our shortcoming? Truly, I am a man of science and wish to pursue discovery. But i certainly know that this will be my final discover fulfilled :) I'd be happy with that aswell.


New member
I rather call you Deadpool lol I had my fair share of cheating death moments in my life. At least 5 I can remember without going too far back