Approved: No Purchase THE CAUSE OF MY BANNING.

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Leinbo Belmont

New member
• What clan you were in XGC Infinity
• What rank you were: LT
• Who your General was: XGC Splicer
• Who your Section Leader was XGC Swifty XS
This will be a lengthy post so please do not skim.

It started with another member whom I had spoke to over a time period named XGC Quantum, now, don't get me wrong yes he is a younger member so the ****iness was to be expected and we hung out a lot so I grew use to his ****iness, but it proceeded to get worse each time he was promoted and XGC Splicer did not really do much, yes, after people had complained a few times he was punished a few times, even going as far as getting friends outside of the XGC to teach XGC Quantum a lesson that I will admit I found a little funny for at this point XGC Quantum's ****iness grew to more of a god complex that I honestly detested, and I was willing to let XGC Splicer use this as a form to teach him his God complex would not be accepted and if proceeded to grow worse then he would be kicked, the dust settled and he had seemed to be the normal ****y kid, enter XGC Swifty XS.

I was introduced to her by XGC Splicer, now, I took a liking to Swifty and she seemed pretty cool and one night after playing Minecraft on Splicer's map I had found my place I built (Took an hour or two to make) Grifed, gone, the only thing left was the outter shell, now, Splicer knew I had a small temper so I asked who in the -bleep- did this? Cause we as a clan do not do this crap to anyone, I was later told by XGC Sanzo69 Swifty did it.

I exploded and ranted to Splicer via Facebook to get rid of my bent up frustration and to cool down, now, I never went after Swifty or asked her what the hell she was doing, Splicer, went and asked Swifty if she did it, she said no and I believed her, going as far as apologizing to Swifty for the moment of accusing her. Now, I honestly thought, okay, everything was settled in a calm matter, no one got hurt till later on, I was dragged into a party with XGC Quantum, XGC Sanzo69 and XGC Splicer. I was then hereby issued my first warning for my temper.

I could not do anything nor say anything, but I felt like my friendship with Splicer was slowly coming to a close because I went to her as my leader and my best friend for help to only be slapped in the face. Few months roll by, Quantum was on the rise again, whenever XGC Splicer or Exploding Banjo was around he would not have the God complex, but, as a few other people not from only Infinity but from other clans he has played with, he has the ego the size of a planet, I kept tabs and tried to keep telling XGC Splicer what he was doing and what he was doing was ruining Infinity's rep on the whole clan itself.
By doing my job as a LT I had hoped Splicer would understand XGC Quantum was going to destroy Infinity if he kept doing what he was doing, later on I was invited by XGC Splicer and Swifty to a private meeting that was going on, I spoke to them and told them what was going on, his God complex was going and kept going and the only time he would hide it away was when Explodingbanjo and Splicer were in the room, I was told this multiple times by people as well, I told them both, Quantum is a good kid when his God complex is not there and I did not want him banned.

I asked Splicer here and there what Swifty and her's answer would be for as I said that do not kick Quantum out unless there was no other choice. So, one night I was invited by Splicer and Sanzo to a private meeting, I thought okay, I was one of the prime members whom kept tabs on Quantum to Splicer, I thought they were going to tell me, hey, thanks for helping us and we will contact everyone when we come up with the verdict. That was not the case, previously before the invite I had got news my job was on life support and I could have ended up losing it, I was already hurtting and hoped they had good news and everything would be okay for Infinity, that was not the case. Sanzo told me he was good cop, I asked if I had done anything wrong, no answer.

I told them I was already hurting and if this was going to be big I beg of them to please, please give me a few days to try and get my life personal problems together so I could face worse news. No. I was not given mercy, I was told blankly because of Quantum giving me 'problems' I should have stayed away from him when infact XGC Quantum was not directly my captain but to part of our clans captain and I did not want to disrespect him by telling him to leave for it would have started unneeded drama, so I either kept quiet or simply left the room. What they did was 'from stress' to derank me, I knew it was Total bs, I accepted it to keep face and not break down as it was, I asked them what was going to happen to Quantum, Splicer told me directly to not hate Quantum because he has a God Complex, In all the matter, I was to blame, my fault for starting things when nothing was started, no one told her about Quantum's ego getting out of hand(she never asked anyone within the clan), I simply had enough, my assumed friends whom Splicer I knew for thirteen years and Sano who I grew to like and admire as a Captain turned their backs on me, no mercy was given and with the previous problems of that night happening, I finally snapped.

I said fine, -bleep- it do what you want, kick me or demote me, I simply do not care anymore if you cannot give me at least the
mercy of waiting one more day for me to settle my current life problems, I am done.
I get no answer for a few days from Sanzo or Splicer, I finally ask Sanzo on Facebook what is the verdict, I was told by him and not Splicer, I was banned with no return. I was not given the protocol way of being banned, no messages from my general, all I was told was I was banned, I ruined a thirteen year old friendship with Splicer. I had to be told by my captain and not General who should have followed protocol to send me the message of my banishment but instead defriended me on Facebook, defriended me on Xbox.

I right away spoke to XGC Raven cause I got screwed and if XGC Quantum was going to be kept free as a bird, Infinity was going to die quickly and I did not want the members to be hurt to get what they did to me done to them, Clans should not fear coming to their general and telling them their problems or if something they knew was going to affect the whole clan Raven told me she would talk to Franny and see what was going on for she felt this was BS too and to get back to me sooner or later.

Few weeks later I get this message from XGC Swifty I was told after three more months were up, I was allowed to go to this fourm section and post my reason for coming back but I would never be let back into Infinity, at that point I was fine with, I assumed this was Raven's answer, I was gunned and ready to go to Basic cause I knew Franny and Raven and the higher ups there would not take that kind of BS the likes of Quantum has done. March 23rd 2014, I was given a message from Swifty, she was leaving Infinity and going under the name SYG Swifty RL,it threw me through a loop, so I went to Franny and asked her, did Swifty leave? Franny was unsure so she went to someone and asked. I got my answer and it was not pretty..I found out Swifty,Splicer,Quantum and the person who I admired as a captain Sanzo left, they went Rogue, it only tells me. I was right I was unjustly banned.
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Greetings XGC Duke. As per your request, forwarded by XGC Franny, GreenLantrn has made this thread to discuss his side of events which led to his discharge. I had informed Franny of my intentions to add to his testimony, and was given the clearance to do so.

If I may, sir or madam, I'd like to give you a bit of a background as to how I have come to be involved in this situation:

GreenLantrn and I have been best friends for almost 20 years. We've been playing online games together since we found out what the internet was, always being in the same guild/legion/clan. Both of us have known Splicer for around 13 years.

GreenLantrn, or Leinbo as I will refer to him from here on out, began bringing me into the circle of friends known as the Infinity Clan somewhere in October 2013. From there, I had the pleasure to be introduced to Quantum. He seemed like a pretty cool guy, at the time, and Leinbo, Splicer, Quantum, and I enjoyed many a long night of hanging out and playing games together on Live.

Things seemed to be going great for Leinbo until after the turn of the new year. Then, he began expressing some concerns to me regarding Quantum and his "God Complex" as it was put (in my primary game of AION, we have another name for it, but that wouldn't be appropriate for your forum.) After some discussion, it was decided that he would bring the issue up to his C.O., Splicer. Leinbo has often come to me with issues he was unsure on how to approach in a logical manner, as he has seen me in many a leadership position, ranging from a simple group to a multi-guild Federation Alliance.

I wasn't there when he was issued his warning for his temper, which I know he has, but that's not part of the point. According to the XGC Honor Code, the only technical way he would have been able to have been issued such a warning for speaking to Splicer, in confidence, would have been for violating Section 8. From what I see, however, the issue in question which he was issued a warning for was in violation of Section 1.

The final issue with Quantum, which led to his discharge from XGC Infinity, I was there for, however, as I was attempting to help Leinbo keep his means of life from completely collapsing out from under him. At the beginning of the meeting, I was on the line with Splicer, as Leinbo was taking care of some things. At this point, he had expressed to me that Splicer and Quantum were beginning to distance themselves from the rest of the clan, and Quantum's "God Complex" (which I also had the misfortune to see first-hand, was in direct and major violation of Honor Code Sections 1 and 8.) I took the opportunity to speak with her about it.

Splicer mentioned that many members in her clan were telling her they weren't happy with Quantum's actions, even to the point of some of them threatening to leave if he wasn't put into check. She asked my advice on how to handle such a situation, and I informed her that the integrity of her clan, as a whole, was paramount, and that she needed to ensure such as its leader. She stated that she would take it into consideration, and the call promptly ended.

A couple of hours later, Splicer pulled Leinbo into a party call with Swifty. Despite Leinbo's attempt to soften the situation, they were not nice in any way. From the moment he accepted the invite, accusations were thrown his way, he was cussed out, and barely given a moment to speak. Both Splicer and Swifty violating Honor Code Sections 1 and 8 so hard, they may as well not even existed. What Leinbo states took a few days, in its entirety, only took a couple of hours to begin. Splicer then removed him entirely from XBox Live friends and social media, blocking him as she went.

A couple of days later, I was, again, at Leinbo's place. It was then he received the message from Swifty informing him of his discharge, again continuing to cuss him out over the situation. There was no second warning, and as Leinbo was not caught cheating in online play at any time, his discharge is, by the Honor Code, invalid because of Section 7.

Until Sunday night, I hadn't heard much about it from there. Leinbo received a message from Swifty stating that she was leaving XGC for another clan. An hour later, we were informed of the true mess to hit the fan from DMAN: Splicer, Swifty, and Quantum leaving Infinity for another clan, leaving GoddessNephthy as acting Commander of Infinity. Over the last 2 days, Leinbo, Franny, and I have been assisting in any way we can (Leinbo and Franny with their knowledge of XGC, and myself with leadership experience in these types of situations) to help her get things set up to make whatever transition for Infinity as easy as possible. I assume you would be liking to speak with her regarding this, and I request that Leinbo and I also be present to her, as her counsel (which, if I'm not mistaken, she has a right to, of her choosing, loosely following Section 4's Open Door Policy.)

In the 13 years Leinbo and I have known Splicer, she has shown a pattern similar to what she has shown here tonight. I won't go too much into that personal history, except that she's been known to disappear for entire years at a time, expecting things to pick up where they left off, as though she never left.

In light of recent events, from one Fleet Captain to another, I'd like to recommend the following people to be commended for leaping into action to assist a clan in some dire need:

1. GoddessNephthy- For willingly taking to her role of Acting Commander of Infinity and attempting to bring the remains of her shattered clan back together. For showing true commitment and wisdom enough to reach out for help in assuming command, and taking on a role in which she's had no official training, nor previous experience, doing. For facing those whom opposed her succession with dignity, and courage, to further show her commitment and determination to keep Infinity together.

2. XGC Franny- For reaching out and assisting GoddessNephthy, acting in a role of Infinity's "surrogate mother". For allowing Leinbo and I to be friends and further assist with our own individual experiences.

3. Leinbo- As he is not an official member of XGC, presently, for leaping in with XGC Franny to assist GoddessNephthy, acting in a role of Infinity's "surrogate father". And, for allowing me to use his line to offer my own assistance during the crisis.

All 3: For showing considerable honor in seeing this issue through, instead of allowing a clan to completely fold under.

Thank you, Duke, for taking the time to read through these. All of us await the opportunity to speak with you further.

Kindest Regards,

Fleet Captain Lanoren, Federation Alliance, AION.
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New member
You were never removed properly. The leadership of your clan had left for another community. Your assigned clan will be XGC Basic.
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