Blue of Hearts

New member
Well, first off, I've only had XBOX for just hitting two years now. Was a PS3 fan boy for the longest, but.. Now, I got too many friends and family that play on this here XBOX360.

My original GT was BlueBallZzZzZ

Haha... but, one weekend of a win streak of well into the 30+ on MW2, I had more complaints about my name then I could count. So, the Xbox admins made me change the damn thing.

So, as the legend moves on, I changed it to xX Bluest Xx.

Had that for half a year or so, until I met a very special lady.
Ended up getting married, all that fun stuff, and now, me and her have matching names.

I'm Blue of Hearts, and she's Tiny of Spades.

She's a beast, though. She kicks my butt all the time.

And that, is the legend of Blue.