KoG Catalyst

New member
As most of us all know the monday Vrginia Tech shootout was something with unspeakable horror. A phyco student gunned down 32 innocent lives and many more. I know some of you probebly had friends at Virginia and my best wishes go to all of them. This is something that will always be remembered in how school safety is worked. But please if you suspect ANY suspicious activity at ANY school contact your principle immediatly to tell. :( They will listen.

God bless,
KoG Catalyst

Mister Rinzler

New member
not to sound like an or anything...

but you do know that if they were to tell the school anything, they would get questioned themselves and the school would probably look at it as a joke or something....

well middle / high school wise....

a kid was gunned down at the college over my way. happened like 100 ft in behind us. (i was with my gf at a college football field while she was getting pictures taken for a sports bar flyer) anyhow..... people are crazy....

send my prayers out to


New member
it was an unforunate incident that was very unnessesary, and i think the person that did it was absolutely messed up, i do not know anyone who goes there, thankfully, but my prayers go out to all the familes who suffered a tragic loss


New member
ya that is tru, but just imagine how u would feel if u knew some1 there, and were waiting to here from them not knowing if they were alive or not, and never getting a call

X LosT SenSeS X

New member
that was the longest day ever, waiting to hear from my friends there to see if they were alright...thank god they were...but prayers go out to all the VT students and their families...