
New member
Although my house wasn't affected by the tornado, my job and some of my friends were. I am not going to be as active due to the current situation. For those who haven't heard, a terrible storm ripped through the east coast. Here in North Carolina we got hit pretty hard. There are areas without power and a lot of damage (I have some pictures that I took). We had a tornado hit and destroy business and homes about 1-2 miles down the road. I have friends who live in that area (Some I haven't heard from yet.) So I will be spending my time trying to help those I know who have been affected with living quarters. I am not sure when power will be brought back, but I am out of work until they do. Sadly my work will have a complete loss of food due to this situation. So I will be a tad bit inactive until everything sort of settles down here.

Here is a link to some pictures I took of the disaster area I could actually get to without someone telling me no. This doesn't compare to the areas that the tornado actually touched down and landed on. This part of the neighborhood is just the minor damages. Incident/

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
sorry to hear that... one of the tornados hit about a mile from my house in williamsburg, va as well... but we did not receive any damage thankfully... hope all is well and hope no one got hurt...


New member
So far things seem good for the people I know, but there are a lot of people without homes and many people without shelter or food. Businesses are gone. Some of post was hit. My dad's out of work due to damage. A school is closed down for the year. It's pretty bad. We aren't allowed to go past certain points on two major roads to get on Fort Bragg because the damage is so bad. And you can see it driving down the All American Freeway. You can see the path of the tornado and the leveled houses (Not all of them were leveled). It's a sad and terrible site to see. I work at Papa John's down the street. That's where we deliver. it's not going to be the same when we start delivering pizzas there again. It's pretty scary to be honest. We are under state of emergency until things can be cleared up. They said we had about 60 tornadoes here in North Carolina alone.


New member
I saw the catastrophic damage on the news... They said that that storm produced over 200 tornadoes... Sorry to hear that, hope things improve rather quickly.


New member
I am new to the forums but this is something that hits close to home. My family lives in Charlotte NC and we were all camping during the storm, probably not the best choice in hind sight (we were all ok). But we have many friends and relatives that were hit pretty bad in the Fayetteville area, so my thoughts go out to everyone in NC that was in the thick of it.