
New member
How about that new engine coming from Epic games.Its able to put out incredble amounts of stunning particle graphics.Since we aren't gonna have a new console for a while due to economy.Will this supplement us gamers for a while?


New member
Yeah I would prefer to have a new console but they wouldn't sell now days.Say the new Xbox came out.That's probably going to be 1000 to 1500 dollars.Yeah some people may buy them but it wouldn't be successfull. If you search the engine on youtube.Its nice but not incredible.

XGC Runner

New member
Next gen console prices are targeted at $300-$400...that is easily manageable when you think that the life span is 10 years which turns out to be $30-$40/year...people can skip fast food a few times and easily pay for it


New member
How are they gonna be that cheap considering more expensive parts and our current gen was retailed at $800 when first debuted?


New member
I think it looks awesome, but I will always prefer the destructible environments of Frostbite. And the next Gen consoles should be able to at least match what battlefield looks like on high setting on PC. I have a gaming PC, but prefer consoles because my friends have them, even on Xbox battlefield looks amazing. I'll be in line on day one.
The unreal engine 4 looks absolutley amazing from what they have shown in game informer, I can't wait to see what type of games are going to be running off of it

XGC Snake

New member
i love the particle effects will this supplement for us yes very much a game that looks better is great i am a amateur artist i appreciate this, but i would like a xbox 720 with less lag and faster downloading so at the same time not it will not supplement for those reasons