New member
I have not been in Xgc for some time now and for some reason my password still works. But this is not the reason for this Important Thread. Recently i was playing COD$ and ran into some XGC guys, now beening in xgc i know what the rules and the honor code of your clan is. Apparently these guys didn't. They were trash talking and threatening other players and me. I was not very happy about it. I know there is nothing any of you generals or anybody to that fact can do about this but i think the honor code means nothing to the ppl you are bringing into xgc and it is making you all look very BAD. please inforce your honor code more thouroughly with your new recruits because there was ten other ppl that were in the party with me watching these kids who had xgc in their name and clained to be in Xiled make a fool out of them selfs and Xgc as a whole. Thanks for reading and keep up the great work XGC. I miss you all!!!