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Staff member
So, You Want To Be A Section Leader

The following is directed toward generals of Xiled Gaming that believe they deserve to be a section leader. So, if any of you members are going to be generals soon, you may also want to read this.

Well, do you even know what we do? Do you know what you'll be walking into if you want this role? I suppose that would be a problem if you didn't. Well, I am here to tell all you generals exactly what we section leaders are about.

Now, before you come running to us saying why you deserve a section leader position, let me just tell you that we already know a lot about you generals.

You can bet that we know who deserves it, who doesn't, who's ready for it, and who's not.
We know who's on and how often. We know who's been here since the beginning. We know who discusses their clans and who makes an effort to understand "the big picture" with us. We know who wants a promotion (just about everyone) and for what reasons. But most importantly, we know who has the leadership ability and attitude to handle it.

Now, I must advise to ALL GENERALS that want to become section leaders. You MUST make it your primary effort (along with running your clan) to "shadow" the section leaders for at least a week to observe and participate in the decisions we make. IF WE DON'T KNOW YOU, YOU WILL MOST LIKELY NOT GET A SECTION LEADER POSITION. We will promote someone who has made that effort to learn about the role they wish to take on (at the same time fulfilling all their general responsibilities and obligations) before someone who has not made that extra effort.

And when I say shadow, I mean BECOME OUR SHADOW. Everywhere any of the section leaders go, YOU SHOULD BE IN THAT ROOM. Unless we ask you to leave, you should make it your business to remain in one of our rooms. If you need to handle a situation in your clan, handle it in our party. Ask us first, of course, but we will want to see how you handle situations, and then we will discuss the decisions you make with you.

This is how you will learn and grow as a leader. If you want to be a section leader, you must spend enough time with us to be "molded" into one. You should try to get with as many different section leaders as possible to learn from our different styles of leadership and to allow each of us to have first hand knowledge of your leadership and attitude.

A side note about attitude. If we believe that you are not professional enough to handle the job, you will not receive a section leader position. It has nothing to do with your age, only your attitude and decisions.

Now, a perspective on your decisions.

If you degrade your members, do not come looking for a promotion. If you boot members out of your clan without giving them proper warning and chance, do not come looking for a promotion. If you have favorites, and that affects your decisions as a leader, do not come looking for a promotion. If you are PETTY, do not come looking for a promotion. If you cannot handle the "STRESS" of your current position, do not come looking for a promotion. If you always have to get your way, do not come looking for a promotion. Finally BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, if you cannot communicate your opinions with others in a constructive and non-conflicting manner, DO NOT COME LOOKING FOR A PROMOTION.

It is extremely important that you learn to cooperate with your co-workers in a professional and business-like manner. If you are a general, and you cannot get your work done with another general, YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO HANDLE BEING A SECTION LEADER. As section leaders, we must work with each other. No section leader can avoid another section leader. Section leaders cannot allow themselves to become petty with ANY member ESPECIALLY OTHER SECTION LEADERS.

In addition, if you don't understand what petty is, it comes in many forms. It is looking toward your own interests and your own opinions BEFORE the majority's. It is allowing yourself to "dislike" someone based on their personality, and therefore; you degrade them in your mind and do not value the work they do. It is appreciating only YOUR opinions, only YOUR work, and not valuing what ALL leaders are doing. It is thinking you are better than other people (regardless of the reasons). It is basing respect on position. It is working ONLY to GAIN POWER through promotions.

THERE ARE MANY OTHER EXAMPLES, but these are just a few.

Now, let me clear up a few misconceptions about section leaders. First of all, for all those guys who want power, I'll let you in on a little secret. SECTION LEADERS HAVE LESS POWER THAN GENERALS. Now, I know most of you are thinking "How the hell can that be possible, I thought you were the general's bosses." Well, it's double-sided. First of all, WE ARE NOT THE GENERALS' BOSSES. We do not dictate to them what they have to do. We guide them in a direction, but we do not FORCE them to do ANYTHING except follow the honor code, rank structure, and make decisions that will bring success to their clans. In your general's day-to-day obligations for their clan, THEY HAVE ALL THE POWER.

Now, here's where the other side comes in.

A section leader has more power than a general in cases of a breach of the honor code or rank structure, disputes between generals, decisions that affect more than one clan, and in cases in which a member has left XGC, KOG, or SYN (for whatever reason) and wishes to come back. As long as the generals' decisions do not hurt the members of XGC, KOG, or SYN, THEY HAVE ALL THE POWER to shape their clans and willing members. They have no power over any clan but their own, but they still have more direct power over that clan than any section leader. Now, if their decisions hurt the members of XGC, KOG, or SYN, THAT IS WHEN SECTION LEADERS COME IN AND "HAMMER" THOSE GENERALS.

Section leaders promote and demote the generals TOGETHER. It must be unanimous for a general to be promoted or demoted by section leaders. Therefore, as a section leader, YOU REALLY DON'T HAVE A LOT OF POWER BY YOURSELF. The section leaders' power comes from communicating with each other and the division leaders to coordinate a direction for the generals and all the members in Xiled Gaming. THIS IS WHY IT IS SO IMPORTANT TO BE ABLE TO WORK WITH OTHERS IN A PROFESSIONAL MANNER. There are no "votes". Every issue is discussed and agreed upon. If you cannot compromise and "agree to disagree" to get your job done, you are not yet cut out to be a section leader.

Now, I don't want everyone to think that section leaders can't do anything. A section leader does has more authority than a general, meaning that a section leader's opinions and actions hold more weight than a general's when issues are discussed. Section leaders make decisions on a daily basis that effect hundreds of members including generals. However, these decisions are usually more long term and subtle and go unnoticed to all but the most observant.

Ok, back to the subject of being petty. As a section leader YOU CANNOT BE PETTY. You must work FOR OTHERS. Because as a section leader, that is what you do. You serve others. As a general, you run your own clan and you do it the way you want (as long as it will not hurt the members of XGC, KOG, or SYN), but as a section leader, you work to serve ALL the members in XGC, KOG, or SYN. As a section leader, you do not work for your own interests; you work to serve others' interests. As a section leader, you will be able to affect XGC, KOG, or SYN as a whole -- far more than as a general. So, if your desire is to help ALL the members in XGC, KOG, or SYN and add to the success of XGC, KOG, or SYN as a whole, then you are in the right state of mind to become a section leader. Now, all you have to do is develop the leadership ability and put forth the work to get to that position.

These are the differences between section leaders and generals. I did not blow anything out of proportion, but I didn't sugar coat anything either. I have described, quite plainly, what you will have to do as a section leader. I am not trying to steer anyone away from being a section leader. I am just trying to get everyone to understand EXACTLY what being a section leader is all about. I don't want you walking into something you don't want to do as others have done in the past.

One final note:
You must be willing to put aside your own interests and genuinely want to help the members of XGC, KOG, or SYN in order to be happy as a section leader. (Anyone wanting to be a section leader just for power will be disappointed)

All right, so you're in the right state of mind, and you know what section leaders are all about now. So, now you want to know what to do to become a candidate general for a section leader promotion. Well, let me just start off by saying that no general will be a candidate for a promotion until they have had their clan split at least once. When a general's clan is prepared to split, it highlights the pinnacle of the general's success. In order to have a clan split, the clan must have at least 61 members, 5 to 6 captains at which two or more of them are prepared to be generals, one lieutenant per captain, two or more of which are prepared to be captains, eight members in each squad, and all members in the clan are comfortable with their current positions. This truly displays, without question or contest, the success of a general.

So you see, you won't be noticed for your accomplishments until your clan is ready to split. At that time, you and your members are in the spot light. You will have section leaders, division leaders, and even the Council’s attention during that time, and that is when we will see the great things that you have done with your clan.

Your leadership and hard work will lead to your captains becoming generals and your clan splitting to form an increasing number of successful clans, and this is how you will be noticed and eventually promoted.

Now, we do not promote generals for just running more than one clan. We promote generals for teaching leadership to their members and for recognizing and developing leaders to replace them. Anybody can tell someone what to do, but a true leader does not have to tell his followers what to do. In other words, you should be able to get your members to a point where they can lead on their own WITHOUT you.

This is the only way the Xiled Gaming Company (which contains XGC, KOG, and SYN) will continue to thrive and grow. The only way to be promoted is to ensure the future success of your current duties before you can take on more. The promotion from a general to a section leader is a tremendous step and is not to be taken lightly by any means.

Now, once you have become a candidate for a section leader, all you have to do is keep working and your time will come. However, you must realize that there may be other candidates that earn a section leader position before you. You just have to be PATIENT and keep doing what you are doing.

By XGC Viper XL

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