Approved: No Purchase WANTING TO COME BACK

Systematik Vi

New member
I had decided to leave a while ago. I had left because I just didnt feel like I fit into XG anymore. when I had left I had just been demoted from General to Captain (which did play a part in me leaving as well) I had been moved from KoG Oblivion to KoG Vengeance, I was under the General KoG Sandman, the section leader was KoG Cafilka XS. I am wanting to come back as I am starting to realize that I miss most of the feelings I had when I was in KoG. For the most part I did enjoy being in KoG there were a couple times where I had to take a break because of the stress I felt sometimes, but I feel most of it was due to personal issues going on. Those personal issues are now dealt with, and I am hoping to give it another shot.
Thank you for your time.

P.S. I realized that I had forgot to also add that I have changed my GT to Systematik Vi if it is needed to get in contact with me.
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