Arch Angel

New member
Hi I am leaving KSI and wanting to join XGC. I am wanting to get away from the stupid amont of drama that is going on over there and get somewhere that is stable and has alot of activity. I have been around clans a long time and I just want a friendly squad to game with and meet new friends. If you might have a spot for me hit me up on xbl my GT is KSIxArchAngel 7,which I will change, if not I would understand.

Thank you


New member
Feel free to send me an invite on XBLive. Have you ever been in XGC before? Age? Primary game you like to play? These questions will help place you in a clan that tailors to you...DarkAges has been primarily a cod clan, but may become a multigame clan with different squads playing different games(ghosts, battlefield,halo...)