
New member

I was recruited last night, if this works as stated it would be great to get with a regular group of people that prefer to use team work as opposed to being lone wolves.

I am currently playing the following games:

Battlefield 3
Saints Row the Third
Gears of War 3

I have many others.

I play for my own enjoyment, I not an expert gamer as I have other responsibilities in my life. I play games to unwind and relax, it isn't a job for me. I left that mindset behind when I left World of Warcraft.

I am not entirely certain how these clans work but I figure why not give it a shot. I play on XBL my gamer tag is PrimeBEATSTICK.

KoG for4ks

New member
What clan are you in? While you can easily play with any member of the community, the easiest place to start is with the clan you joined. Also, try looking for community events/game nights. That gives you a chance to meet members (and lots of them) from different clans and divisions. On that, one will be held on mw3 feb.10th at 7:30 pm east.


New member
you can hit me up too man my gamertag is BCR x B4nkshot i play with xgc members from all clans we always play team based games im on BF3 and MW3 you'll meet lots of different community members in my parties bro and they will gladly show you the ropes of being in a clan like this

XGC ChaosReaper

New member
this is how our community works. just a bunch of people that like to game together. i play battlefield 3 mw3 and gears 3. hit me up if you need a team.


New member
congrats, and welcome aboard, my gamertag is OPIE3482 add me to your FL and lets game some time, i can help you and possibly answer some questions you have. good hunting and good gaming


New member


congrats, and welcome aboard, my gamertag is OPIE3482 add me to your FL and lets game some time, i can help you and possibly answer some questions you have. good hunting and good gaming

XGC Drum

New member
if you go to the join a clan area and click view members for your clan that will be everyone who is pvt and up i would defiantly make sure you have your general captains and Lts added not only are they great to get to know so you have a feel for the clan that you are in and see if its the right fit for you. also by staying active with in your clan and going to meetings/ squad practices is another good way to meet people

you can also find people just from playing public matches look out for XGC, KoG, SyN, XDC, or XGG before someones gamer tag


New member
Well Drumkiller i ran into a gamer who had XGC on his but wasnt from xiled he was from X-treme gaming community so also look at there bio or sent them a message to see if there from are community if you want