Wednesday November 7th Meeting @ 3 pm EST

Halo 4 has just been released. Lots of excitement about that one!
Also Black Ops 2 is being released next week- for all those trigger
happy fans... go get 'em!

I would like to welcome the following members into our community:

XxHCG H3XoRXx (Mike)

You stepped up to the plate when asked, and recruited. I appreciated
all that you have done.

This week's game night will be Friday November the 9th. We will be playing
3D ULTRA MINI GOLF 2. I ask that everyone please wait 15 minutes after this
meeting, and then go to, and go to forums, then General
Discussions, to see the information that will be posted about the game.

I look forward to seeing each and every one of you this Friday.

Also- please keep in mind that others are still recruiting, and you may
get asked to join their community, just say that you already belong to
one. I know that sometimes this is a pain while gaming, and that they really
should be checking profiles before asking, but some of the members out
recruiting right now are fairly new to the community.

I encourage you to try to keep up with the recruiting. As I have mentioned
before, we are one of the best, and as such, I would like to see us grow.
By growing, we have more competition in games, and we grow stronger as a

Thank you you are free to continue gaming, and recruiting! :)