Cooper S Guy

New member
Old Clan: syn delta
i was in the clan a few years ago my gamer tag was TheDTFguY56 i went in active cause i landed myself a job that didnt give me alot of playing time but now i got some free time on my hands and i bought a new xbox and now i can play so i would like to be in the clan again . i was a lieutenant .... thanks for your time hope i can be brought back in... :p


New member
Old Clan: syn delta
i was in the clan a few years ago my gamer tag was TheDTFguY56 i went in active cause i landed myself a job that didnt give me alot of playing time but now i got some free time on my hands and i bought a new xbox and now i can play so i would like to be in the clan again . i was a lieutenant .... thanks for your time hope i can be brought back in... :p

Just to clarify, did you ever tell anyone that you were leaving the community? If not, were you ever removed from SYN?

SYN Storm

New member
Old Clan: syn delta
i was in the clan a few years ago my gamer tag was TheDTFguY56 i went in active cause i landed myself a job that didnt give me alot of playing time but now i got some free time on my hands and i bought a new xbox and now i can play so i would like to be in the clan again . i was a lieutenant .... thanks for your time hope i can be brought back in... :p

Just to clarify, did you ever tell anyone that you were leaving the community? If not, were you ever removed from SYN?

Wolfman, he went inactive. The removal request is here. Removed for inactivity.

Cooper, hit me up on the xbox. Send me a message or party invite if you are on the Xbox One and we will get you put in a clan!

I am also approving this for a No Purchase.

SYN Storm XD