New member
What is the foundation of XG? I was asked this, now yes I was in KoG but in eyes of many XG is a community to learn leadership, be yourself, be able to leave troubles be hind and work together in gaming and on teams, in squads. Yes the base of XG forums aroung the Honor Code, it does in every community, but the way we function is through team work and dedication, and i think that is truly what our foundation is.

SYN HighLite

New member
i agree dude, however, the official answer is like you said the honor code i like to believe that our foundation rests upon two things.. The honor code and the members that follow it. Without both working together there is no xg. The yin and the yang ya know? :)

XGC Coleslaw XI

Council Member
the official answer is that our foundation is the honor code...

it is also the simple answer, because our honor code implies many characteristics that we believe to be fundamental to an enjoyable gaming environment. our honor code lays the ground rules for the type of individuals that we identify with(the only rules are really those of respect: no racism, no sexism, no drama, and treat people with respect... other than that you r pretty much free to do and say what you want)... then you guys can all go about your business in your own way... we love seeing diversity in the way people run clans and diversity in the way people get online to game and network...

also the other implication built into the honor code is our democratic method of running the community... meaning that we can change the honor code at any time to adjust to the changing times and the needs of our gamers, but it can only be changed with a majority vote