OK Here it is. I was once a member of XGC Good Game about 2 years ago. The reason I left good game is because I Went to Jail for some time and due to inactivity I fell out of communication when I got back online on Halo 2 Good Game Had totally been rearranged. New COC. I upgraded to an XBOx 360 and bought Halo 3 , And I'm looking forward to being among the ranks of XGC again. I just need a HALO 3 clan to be formally recruited into. even tho starting as a recruit after being a captain in the past Sucks but hey I'm down for it. So if some one could direct me to the right person to talk to so I can get back into the practice of being a great xgc member Please do.
GT == XiX 12eaL XiX
GT == XiX 12eaL XiX