Wag Of Beed

New member
I'm always down for some zombies.

Highest round on Tranzit is 33 or 34, On Die Rise 29.

If anyone needs help with Tranzit or Die Rise easter eggs HMU and we can try to obtain it. (I have Tower Of Babble completed just needing High Maintainence on Die Rise)

GT: Wag Of Beed

Wag Of Beed

New member
Yea on Die Rise it's a lil difficult to get higher than 20 playing with randoms.

If anyone is interested in sort of forming a good zombie team HMU and we can see what happens.

GT: Wag Of Beed

KoG B33tlejuic3

New member
i would be glad to play with you. i know my way around all 5 maps, so if you want to speed run and level up (in zombies) then hit me up with an invite.

Son 0f Adrian

New member
Yeah man down to play with people and have fun but when you're carrying the team it loses its luster. Feel free too add and I will do the same rank Skull one knife.
I believe Tranzit 28 Die rise 26 or vice versa

I play religiously.....minus the worship XD

XGC Afina

New member
Yeah man down to play with people and have fun but when you're carrying the team it loses its luster. Feel free too add and I will do the same rank Skull one knife.
I believe Tranzit 28 Die rise 26 or vice versa

I play religiously.....minus the worship XD
I was wondering who you were when I got a random friend request out of nowhere LOL. It didn't occur to me that you'd possibly be XGC till now. Sorry man! I'll add you now. xP

I'm down for some zombies.

Tranzit I believe I've gone 27 and Die Rise 31. x) with a group of four anyway. Granted my rank doesn't show my effort becausei simply don't play enough. I'm better versed in multiplayer but I'm not bad at zombies.