
New member
I was in another clan before, however, there was no structure, rules, guidelines, or anything of the sort. My husband (Sticky0075) and I have a few friends that had chosen to leave our clan and come to XGC. After my husband joined, I saw how much fun he was having and how many new friends he was making. I also like how there's rules, regulation, respect, and all around common decentcy. My old clan pretty much did whatever they wanted and it was all about they're own personal scores, nobody worked together as a team. Here at XGC, everyone works as a team, and there's always someone on to play with or even just chat with. I'm not a big gamer I only play for fun, and I'm not on a whole lot, I try to be but I also have kids and I'm sure everyone knows how demanding a housefull of kids can be. Anyways....:D I joined XGC because I like how it's like a big family. ;)