New member
Hi I'm a wookie. A SublimeWookie at that. I used to be ch3wbacca75, but I soon realized a three doesn't sound like "e". None the less, used to be part of this awesome gaming community known as xgc. Got recruited by a guy named salty jay and rocked learning how xgc worked in a clan known as prophecy. Then a clan split occurred and I got to be part of spec ops under drums leadership. We most definitely wrecked some mw3 in domination. Got to meet a lot of awesome folks in spec ops and made it to the rank of lieutenant. Then we had to split clans once again and took over the great clan of Whiskey Company. How sweet right? A clan known as Whiskey Company with a typically drunk wookie right! AWESOME!!! Made it to the rank of captain and was unholycries left hand man (unholycries was General of Whiskey Company). Unfortunately that's when things got hairy. For one, never was a fan of cod and at that point was getting more fun playing minecraft with my guys and gals then playing bo 2. The other situation was unholy and a few others started talking to dissenters who were trying to start their own gaming community. They called it Respect Gaming and it had many of the same values theoretically as xgc. It was decided to bring this in front of our clan and I played devil's advocate for staying xgc (which personally I really wanted to and it turned out to hurt me in RG). It was voted upon and we as a clan made the switch. Looking back I'm not sure if say I can regret making the move since a lot of these folks were people I gamed with since prophecy and I formed bonds with, but after meeting some of the xgc guys recently I feel I should've rode it out. We made the move to rg and I went from captain to private in a matter of months. Had a lot of real life stuff going on with having a baby girl (awesome) and taking a time extensive job (wicked as well). To say the least rg fell apart due to bickering amongst leadership and not following the honor code. About two years later I have a xbox 1 and started playing destiny with drum. Having good times playing with xgc again and would like to rejoin the rank and order. You may ask a couple guys about me, xgc drum or xgc severedlimb are a couple high ranking members. Really not that bad of a wookie to have around, please take me back. Sincerely, SublimeWookie. Ps. Not sure who my section leader when departure occurred, could've been redkiller or something like that. Check might've been drum, but I think he moved up to so after the split. Anyways thanks for reading my application, have a nice day.