VGX Righty

New member
Hello righty here i have been in many fail communities over the years and everywhere i hear that XGC is the place to go so im wondering if i can join for Halo Reach i am a great player/ recruiter/ and leader. I am 18 years old so i would like to join the XGC clan if possible. respond here or add on xbl NeG Righty v2

The Chosen One

New member
Hey lad, not many clans here in XGC play Halo: Reach anymore, which is a shame cause it's a decent game, better than Blackops anyway.

I'm from XGC Section 8 and quite a few of our members play Reach.

I'll send you a FR on LIVE if you want :)

SYN HighLite

New member
I can hook you up with some of the guys here in SYN that are pretty cool.
We are a division of XG and geared towards the underground playstyle... We stay respectful though.

VGX Righty

New member
whatever u guys hook me up with more reach players i mean i play mw2 but blackops doesnt play on my xbox and i dont like it anyways

Trent is Guilty

New member
Hey I also play reach. I am a party of SYN, is a smaller section call SYN Revolution. We are currently making a team to compete in reach so if you'd like to join add me on XBL and we can play some reach and I could help you join SYN Revolution :)

KoG Mustang GT

New member
I'm KoG and I am a captain we would love to have you thanks for joining XG too it is a great community. PS if your going to join SYN go under SYN Maltradox he is a great guy