SYN Vital Organ

New member
Well today is officially day 1 for me. I joined a couple of days ago but was unable to get a confirmation email....but with a little effort here I am. my Xbox GT is the same vitalorgankilla. I have been gaming for almost 30 years so when I have a bad game I can blame it on my eyesight:) What else can I tell you, this is not my first community so I know how it works and I will be active both on-line and with recruiting etc.? I missed RvG so I am happy to be joining a successful community once again. I am a manager at a (smaller) Pharmaceutical company so I game when not travelling. That's about it for now.

What do you recall from your first weeks as being important to read up on, from this site?

XGC Soulstealer

New member
welcome Vital

which games(s) do you plan?

You need to definately read up on the honor code, communicate with fellow members of your squad in their section here at the forums. btw which xgc squad are you in? Or am I jumping the gun here.

XGC OneMunk

New member
Welcome to XG.

Like Soul said, make sure you read up on the honor code. That's the most important bit of information that will always follow you through your time in XG.