New member
So also being a huge multiplayer im big into zombies now ive been trying to do richtofens side on solo in buried which idk if it will work or not (I have yet to complete it) but im looking for some people to complete this with me yet I don't have tanzit,die rise,or mob of the dead an I would really like to complete them all if I could have 3 XGC friends join me that would be awesome I do not know how I could repay you for the favor but I would be very appreciative for helping me if anyone is interested please let me know! :) oh an also I have 51,000 dollars in the bank for buried tranzit is a different story at the moment so it should make buried a little easier I do have a headset but it cuts in and out its a afterglow headset soo does anyone maybe have any suggestions on how to fix that also?


New member
Hey man, if your running a 360 I would happily mow down some zombies with you. I don't know how to do the easter eggs, except for mob of the dead. But my brother Onyxmetalwolf does, give him a shout and tell him MarkovZero sent you.

KoG Alucard

yep man hit me up and sorry to say but i think all after glow stuff is kinda cheap and break easy so it might no be able to fix add me on xbox GT: XGC Kisame


New member
Thank you guys thats awesome ive got most richtofens buried Easter egg down so that one wont be to hard to complete an Markov ill give your bro a shout out ill add you guys right when I get on!

Wag Of Beed

New member
I have Tranzit and Mob eggs completed. I need Die Rise and Buried. Idk Richtofen's side of Buried, I was working on Maxis's side and it HAS to be with 4 players. If you need help with any of them im on during the weekends. Just msg me here with a time you want to try it if you still need help.

GT: Wag Of Beed