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  • I NEED YOU BACK ONLINE! If you aren't, we may be forced to shut down the clan with the only empty general spot. That wouldn't be good for you. It is IMPERATIVE that you contact me as soon as possible. Thanks,

    heres my gimp one note the person is not real
    Hey I got my named changed to XGC powercord is there any way you could sub out the names and give me the same sig new name ???
    Hey az I was wondering... do ya like my new sig? I know you were in love with my old one, but I'll bring it back someday (promise).
    So what do u think man? Do u wanna work on it or should i just go find sum1 else to make a sig for me? Not tryin to rush u, but if u r gonna work on it id like to know just so i aint gotta go request another one from sum1 else. Lemme know whats good
    I mean dont get me wrong, i luv the background its sweeet...I just think it would be a lot more dope to have like a cartoon gangster or just a spartan shootin a sniper or sumthin...i didnt want u to think im ungrateful, its just not really what i was wantin. Lemme know. Thanks man!

    Oh and can u make the text darker, so it stands out more?

    Thanks again i appreciate u takin time to make me a siggy man, if u could just make those few changes i would be happy to use it in the forums and put a "thanks to azdahebrewhamr for the siggy" underneath it!

    Oh and maybe a litte darker, like replace alot of that purple with like dark red or blue or something? I guess maybe im just a homaphobe, but im not a big fan of like pink and purple. I guess just kind of "man it up" a bit im sayin? Im not tryin to put a splinter in ur butt dude, with all these requests, u dont have to like put it on rush order.

    By the way this guy rocks for getting sigs from, he is super fast at it!!!!!!!!
    Dude that sig is pretty sweet but whats with the guy in the scarf? I dont really want a pic of some guy on my sig, is there any way we can change that? Like I was thinkin more like a cartoon gangsta character with maybe like Skyscraper buildings in the background (and maybe the St. Louis Arch, cuz thats where im from) If thats too much then how about just replacing that dude with a Spartan or a COD dude shootin a weapon
    Dude that sounds sweet. A gangster, Urban, grafitti style fits me perfectly. I dont know why i never thought of that...Ur Good!!
    Should i just wait to hear from u or how will i know when u r done? Should i keep checking your thread for sig pickups, or will u post on my SYN NEXUS forum, or what? I just dont want there to be any confusion, i guess u saw what happened with me and blackwater. But thanks in advance man, i really do appreciate it!!
    hey i saw your message that said u sent the url in a pm but if a pm is a private meesage i never got one. can u please send me the url so i can pick up the tight sig you made for me.
    Lol i figured we could wait give it a break this week since its already friday and then just start up the X we talked about at last weeks meeting on sunday
    YES I do need a sig...badly. I have requested one from both SYN Blackwater and SYN Burning Sky, tryin to keep it in the clan, ya know? But neither one of them really responded im not sure if theyre making them or not, if they are they are a bit slow maybe? If u could make me one that would be excellent! I will be sure and tell every1 in my clan where i got it.... i am a lieutenant in SYN NEXUS... If u can do it, just check my post on either one of those two design team members' sig request threads to see the specs on what i want. Thanks so much bro.

    Hit me up with a reply if u gon do it
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