KoG ThirdEye Aug 17, 2009 hahaha okay..u should make me a suicide silence 1 (: http://media.photobucket.com/image/suicide%20silence/whittershine/Suicide%20Silence/SS18.jpg?o=46 this would be sweet if usable if not just use one of these lol http://photobucket.com/images/suicide%20silence/?&userinit=true&source=
hahaha okay..u should make me a suicide silence 1 (: http://media.photobucket.com/image/suicide%20silence/whittershine/Suicide%20Silence/SS18.jpg?o=46 this would be sweet if usable if not just use one of these lol http://photobucket.com/images/suicide%20silence/?&userinit=true&source=
O O oGBubbz Aug 17, 2009 Lol yea I figured that out when I was looking at it. Im like OH it's Clint Eastwood lol
O O oGBubbz Aug 16, 2009 Lol only reason BS got business was cause you were gone =D. You should make me one though, don't really care what it is.
Lol only reason BS got business was cause you were gone =D. You should make me one though, don't really care what it is.
O O oGBubbz Jul 31, 2009 Happy almost b-day 1 day yeaaaa! Holla at me when you get back from wherever you are ightT>