S S SYN CAVSCOUT Oct 19, 2013 Hey Rez dropping by to stalk ya... jk just doing my monthly check up.. Keep it frosty HOOAH
S S SYN TRYHRD Oct 18, 2013 Its pretty kool I enjoy it a lot its fun and ive made a lot of new friends
KoG REC0N Oct 11, 2013 Hey Rez, we need to play GTA V. You and penguin are going to be level 100 before I even hit 10. Lol
SYN MsTwiztid Oct 8, 2013 Oh, i'm sorry about that. I got called into work and accidentally left it running. I was there last night though. =)
Oh, i'm sorry about that. I got called into work and accidentally left it running. I was there last night though. =)
S S Spaztic DH Sep 24, 2013 I would like to join SYN, let me know what I need to do to accomplish that. Thank you