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  • its the 4/5 that say clan compete a,b,c,d...and please remove the xtra (squad list)...from sub noiez..i told him abt using the prefixs...only for higher ups!...lol..THANKS SO MUCH!
    Hiya baby....i have researched this name already but i have a name change request, from templar......he wants the followering name
    XGC 1stTEMPLAR,....I found notta on it searched..all...just a TEMPLAR that is inactive from kog, but still his is different can this name b possiable
    Please let me know
    Also i need a couple things STICKIED on the forms for coldfire clan compete, if possiable...contact me anytime...thanks
    Aequitas6985 , Jaxion08 & Xx3p1xSHADOWxX did not get a verification email from the web site i will check to see if they them one today
    hey i just posted a thread about the recruitment course im going to be holding and i was wondering if you could sticky it so the members can easily notice it?
    send what, the picture? you can upload them to your article in the editing area. I have a tutoriial in the submit content for review area
    Will you be posting an article about the Halo 4 Xbox bundle? Just curious cause if not, I will do one.
    hi Baby..just want to let you know that im not gonna be able to make the meeting Sunday 15th 2012. I have been promotef again at my job..and that is making me have to close at night..so i dont get home untill 10pm est...Sry but ill try to find someone to take my place ok...so watch for a message!...so sorry..HD
    Also plezz look and see if the new squad list is good(it should be)..make sure i
    havent made a mistake or if theres anything i need to change...thanks
    HIya baby...just wanted to let you know that the list below are ppl thats inactive my COLDFIRE> Im letting you know that they need to be put onto the remove list (helpdesk), Also need your approval to do so!..i have consulted DEADEYE and we went over the people to see if they were being active and there not apearently for a LONG time now!..so please let me know ASAP!...thanks
    mini TRUCKIN (s)
    iGo12inchs DEEP (p)
    Shower Captian(P)
    X AzUeL pAnDa X(P)
    Xx Reaper xX(P)
    Hey...I was promoted to srg. Yesterday, 6/25, and sent a username change request via xgclive...I told my general XGC Mr Hardcore about it and he says that I must hold my rank for 2+ weeks before I am eligable to do so but the ranking structure and the honor code both say other wise. I have consulted with my captain about the matter and he instructed me to ask you for permission to change my gamer tag/username. I do not want to cause any trouble but would like to represent XGC the best way possible and by doing so I have not missed a single meeting yet. Thanks for your time.
    Name change request for r3s3rv3dwolf
    Xgc RESERVED is clear and open ive checked
    all the nessary sites including DNR list & Xbox live all look good
    Plezz notifiy me when you have checked so we can get this request sent
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