L L L4BYRN7H Jul 8, 2008 Happy B-Day... I didnt even know until i saw it on the site, i would of said it along with my PM...lol have a good one bro
Happy B-Day... I didnt even know until i saw it on the site, i would of said it along with my PM...lol have a good one bro
G G GoldMinE Jul 7, 2008 u would, u know if i mailed u a card u probably wouldnt get it for like 4 days, atleast email is instant
u would, u know if i mailed u a card u probably wouldnt get it for like 4 days, atleast email is instant
G G GoldMinE Jul 7, 2008 its almost ur birthday...if animal gets to send a card to ur email then y cant i???
XGC ANIMAL XS Jul 7, 2008 You know TFLEM always jumping to conclusions btw I will send the card to your email
XGC ANIMAL XS Jul 7, 2008 who ever said I was getting an XGC tattoo TFLEM? You nub. BTW Channy 1 more day
XGC Cluv Jul 7, 2008 Thanks where do i go to learn the tutorial for moderators and stuff? I dont know how i use my ablities lol
Thanks where do i go to learn the tutorial for moderators and stuff? I dont know how i use my ablities lol
XGC ANIMAL XS Jul 6, 2008 No I am going to wait until summer is over bc if I get it than I cant go swimming