Dirty Bird
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  • ok thats what i thoght because the new recruit had it and i didnt want him to get in trouble but it was just in his clan tag
    Btw im the one you should be coming to about updates and problems if you ask deadeye himself brent is xs bcuz i dont hold that rank for one but mainly to deal with forum issues like sticking threads and so forth im here for the logistics and leadership aspect. Come to me sooner keep me in the know how. Ive put a lot of time into you guys to get you all to where you can run yourself and you all have put in so much effort dont let it be for nothing! As far as your usergroup we just need to get with an xd deadeye had computer issues so prolly missed it.
    Dude!! This is why yu need me!! Do yu have my number? Yu need to call me or text me wen yu have issues like this! MSG me if yu need my number I'll get everything done yu need
    make sure your entire clan list is in the usergroup for sure..
    i want to hear about what your plans are at the moment.. i have gotten no weekly info neither has brent we need to hear from you guys
    yeah, but then i got kicked and for some reason it dosent let me join if fyrestorm sends me one but oh well we should do it again soon
    ok, thanku sir ill be sure do that. i just wanted to make sure i knew everything was right. Also is killzone 3 still like the #1 game our clan plays?
    Yeah, i read the whole thing i just didnt know how it works exactly but kool thanks man and right now i mainly play black ops but im gonna buy another game in a few weeks. any suggestions?
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