F F Fudgyfish Jan 12, 2009 Kitty, theres been an accident... *sniffles* Bx is gone!!! *WWWHHYYY!!!!!!!!!!!* !!!!!!1!!!
I L0v3 Anime Jan 11, 2009 Well, i just woke up, and am hoping to be able to spend some time with Larissa today.
XGG Kissmytutu Jan 7, 2009 KITTY! help please! so i put orchid as my new emblem backround... anything else change???
S S SYN MANiAK Dec 31, 2008 to be honest, it could be better, but by no means am I complaining I hate school
S S SYN MANiAK Dec 31, 2008 lol kk, I'm tellin ya tho, your gonna forget ALLLL about me now that you're in XGG